Sequin Jacket Purple, Green, and Gold Youth Striped
Sequin Jacket Purple, Green, and Gold Youth Striped
Sequin Jacket Purple, Green, and Gold Youth Striped

Sequin Jacket Purple, Green, and Gold Youth Striped

Regular price $74.99 Sale

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Get ready to shine and celebrate Mardi Gras in style with this long-sleeved striped sequin jacket! The classic purple, green, and gold sequin stripes add a festive touch to any outfit (plus, the pockets make for a practical yet stylish addition). With a zip-up design, you'll be able to easily take this jacket on and off in between parading, without missing a beat. Don't just blend in with the crowd, stand out and sparkle with this unique and eye-catching jacket. After all, who said Mardi Gras fashion has to be basic? Available in youth sizes XS - XL.

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