White Let Them Eat King Cake Ribbed Socks (Toddlers, Kids, and Adults)
White Let Them Eat King Cake Ribbed Socks (Toddlers, Kids, and Adults)
White Let Them Eat King Cake Ribbed Socks (Toddlers, Kids, and Adults)
White Let Them Eat King Cake Ribbed Socks (Toddlers, Kids, and Adults)
White Let Them Eat King Cake Ribbed Socks (Toddlers, Kids, and Adults)
White Let Them Eat King Cake Ribbed Socks (Toddlers, Kids, and Adults)

White Let Them Eat King Cake Ribbed Socks (Toddlers, Kids, and Adults)

Regular price $13.99 Sale

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Indulge in a royal treat for your feet with our White Let Them Eat King Cake Ribbed Socks! These playful socks feature Mardi Gras King Cakes throughout and the words "Let Them Eat King Cake" around the top. Perfect for infants, kids, and adults, these ribbed socks add a touch of quirkiness to any outfit.

Four Fit Options

Adult Knee/ Adult Regular/ Children’s Regular/ Toddler Regular


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